

The unit is a combinated unit designed specially for milk of PE bottles and integrates the functions of lifting, arranging, conveying, filling, capping and sealing. The unit is equipped with electrical element and has a man-machine interface control. It shows high speed and high automation , etc.
The Model:HGFJ-GS-32-32
Applicable Bottle Mouth :25-45mm
Applicable Bottle Diameter:35-55mm
Applicable Bottle Height:110mm-190mm
The Max Volume :100ml-450ml
The Output: 20000bottles/hour(200ml)
The power of A Motor:22kw
The Air Consumption:1.2m3 /min
The Weight :2500kg

Previous : HGFJ-GS-24-18

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Ningbo LEEPAK Machinery Co, Ltd.
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